Get the Most from Your A/C Service

No one likes maintenance calls. In fact, most homeowners procrastinate much needed A/C service (s) to avoid tardy technicians, sloppy work and vague answers. Still, the air conditioning system is a large machine in need of professional care. The care you give it determines the quality of air conditioning in your home. The more you familiarize yourself with the A/C system, the better your A/C service will be.

Prepare with Research and Notes

If you find your A/C not working, there are plenty of places to check for trouble. Many issues require the attention of your HVAC specialist.

Instead of attempting a do-it-yourself fix, take notes:

  • When did the A/C system begin acting differently?
  • Where are you noticing changes?
  • How are the changes affecting home comfort?
  • What is different about the air conditioning?
  • Are there funny smells or noises?

This will help your A/C contractor better diagnose the exact cause.

Ask Lots of Questions

If you don’t know how your A/C system works, ask. This will help you learn where problems are most likely to reoccur and what type of problems can occur. For example, did you know the refrigerant doesn’t need to be refilled? Or that air ducts can have leaks that affect indoor air quality?

A/C service can attend to common problems such as:

  • Icy evaporator coils from dirty air filters
  • Refrigerant leaks
  • Burnt motors and broken fan blades
  • Air duct holes
  • Microbiological growth
  • Overused compressors
  • Broken or twisted wires
  • Disconnected thermostats

Once your A/C contractor has delivered the solution, ask what you can to prevent issues in the future.

Adjust Your Usage Accordingly

Most problems we encounter in our air conditioning system are caused by the way we use it. A/C service will always provide the central air the care it needs, but when your technicians are away, it depends on homeowners alone.

If the air conditioning seems to overwork itself or the indoor air quality has decreased, it could be related to the air filter. Air filters are simple to change out and help reduce stress on the A/C system.

If the air conditioner itself feels cool to the touch, there may be icy buildup inside. Semiannual A/C maintenance will then be the cure.

If your utility bill is unusually high, there is an issue with energy efficiency. Your A/C specialist can provide specific instructions on what you can do differently.

High Quality A/C Service with the Top HVAC Specialists

Service Champions Heating & Air Conditioning experts are the HVAC specialists homeowners prefer. We deliver high quality A/C service. Our dedication to genuine customer service and reliable technical care has resulted in thousands of happy homes and central air systems.

No matter what A/C service you look for, we are certain that our service will surpass your expectations.

To have superior A/C service with Service Champions and learn how to provide your central air the best, contact one of our friendly representatives in our call center.

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