Furnace Filters 16x25x1
Four Reasons Why Furnace Filters 16x25x1 Don’t Improve Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air quality is marked by purity and cleanliness. Why is high indoor air quality important?
High indoor air quality improves:
· Home comfort
· Personal health and safety
· Productivity
· Home hygiene
· Heating and air conditioning
· Energy spending
If your furnace filters 16x25x1 are not helping improve or maintain indoor air quality, there are several potential problems and solutions.

Furnace Filters 16x25x1 Need to Be Changed More Frequently
Furnace filters 16x25x1 play an important role in maintaining indoor air quality. Unfortunately, many homeowners forget about the air filter and use the same one for extended periods of time. Other homeowners do this intentionally. In both cases, homeowners experience more harm than good.
Using old or overused furnace filters 16x25x1 does not save time or money. Dirty furnace filters 16x25x1 put the home and central air system at risk for:
· Frozen evaporator coils
· Overheated furnace
· Clogged condensate lines
· System-wide shutdown
· Extra-high energy bills
· Short-cycling
· Unreliable heating and air conditioning
· Expensive repairs
· Permanent damages
· Early wear and shortened system lifespan
Most furnace filters 16x25x1 should be replaced on a monthly basis. However, house-to-house, the number of times homeowners need to change furnace filters 16x25x1 varies on a number of factors like current indoor air quality, number of sources for indoor air pollutants, personal preferences and current state of the home.
If you experience low indoor air quality, try replacing your furnace filters 16x25x1 more often—maybe every 20 days instead of 30 days. It may be that your furnace filters 16x25x1fill quickly and therefore cannot capture any more particles.
Furnace Filters 16x25x1 Are Up Against Too Much Indoor Air Pollution
When the heating and air conditioning cycles, furnace filters 16x25x1 remove between 40 to 50 percent of airborne particles. However, reducing sources for indoor air pollution helps relieve the workload placed on furnace filters 16x25x1.
If your furnace filters 16x25x1 are changed regularly but indoor air quality still does not meet your expectations, it may be time to assess the home. There may be cracks or leaks throughout home construction that allow outside allergens to enter.
Indoor air is typically five times more polluted than outdoor air. Homeowners can help improve indoor air by removing sources of indoor air pollution.
Sources for indoor air pollution include:
· Dust and dust mites
· Fibers from carpet, curtains, furniture and rugs
· Oils, greases and exhausts
· Smokes from tobacco or appliances
· VOCs (from cleaning solutions and fragrances)
· Pet dander
· Insects and fecal matter
· Organic waste
· Microbiological growth
In addition to upgrading housekeeping habits, homeowners should also consider insulating the home against heat loss. Home insulation not only keeps clean air in and improves energy efficiency, but it also stops dirty air outside from getting inside.
Where does energy go wasted?
· 35 percent heat loss through walls
· 25 percent heat loss through the attic and roof
· 15 percent through doors
· 15 percent heat loss through floors
· 10 percent heat loss through windows
By insulating the home, homeowners minimize energy loss, poor home comfort and inferior indoor air quality.

Furnace Filters 16x25x1 and the Central Air System Require Maintenance
All indoor air must pass through the central air system for heating and cooling. As a result, if the central air system is dirty homeowners also receive dirty air. This means that the air conditioner and heater need to be maintained and cleaned by professionals. Your HVAC specialists come prepared with a set of precision tools to properly deep clean the entire system.
In doing so, they remove stubborn buildup, grease, microbiological growth and other particles that destroy indoor air quality. Most of these pollutants cannot be removed by furnace filters 16x25x1 because they lie on the other side of the filters. In addition, your specialists make a number of small repairs and technical adjustments that restore healthy and safe operation.
With HVAC maintenance and clean furnace filters 16x25x1, homeowners have:
· Safe heating and air conditioning
· Clean indoor air and equipment
· A longer-lasting central air system
· Efficient performance
· Lower energy spending
In fact, when homeowners use clean furnace filters 16x25x1 and commit to HVAC maintenance, they prevent 90 percent of all damages and repairs.
The Air Ducts Aren’t Helping Your Furnace Filters 16x25x1
As efficient as furnace filters 16x25x1 are at cleaning indoor air, if there are holes or leaks in the air ducts, homeowners have an enormous problem on their hands.
The attic is extremely dirty, has little to no ventilation and superheats in the summer, often reaching triple digits. When clean cooled air travels through air ducts full of holes, dirty attic air mixes in with the supply and enters the home. As a result, homeowners are left with powerful germs and particles even though their furnace filters 16x25x1 work just fine.
Typically, homeowners can tell if their air ducts have holes. Indoor air quality plummets. Energy spending for HVAC soars by 20 percent. In addition, the home never seems to get any closer to the temperature set on the thermostat because almost 40 percent of cooled air leaks into the attic before it reaches the home.
Homeowners are encouraged to have holes in air ducts sealed by their technicians as soon as possible. In addition, have the air ducts and attic insulated. Insulation in these areas improves energy efficient by about 30 percent on average. It also minimizes cross-contamination.

Upgrade Your Furnace Filters 16x25x1 with Service Champions HVAC Specialists
Service Champions Heating & Air Conditioning is the Diamond Certified HVAC provider for Orange and Los Angeles Counties. We lead in heating and air conditioning installations, repairs, maintenance and advanced air care solutions. No matter what you need out of your central air system, we have a solution.
Service Champions technicians are experts and professionals. From start to finish, we deliver exceptional customer service with superior technical care. We promise your total satisfaction.
To upgrade your furnace filters 16x25x1, get in touch with Service Champions. Complete the form below. You can also speak to our friendly call center representatives for more information.