Free Bike Repair Lesson Earns An Invitation For A Home-Cooked Steak!
As Service Champions technician Andy arrived for a tune-up at an Alhambra home, a bicycle immediately caught his eye.
“Oh, you’re a biker?” Andy said. “I’m a biker, too.”
The homeowner told him he did enjoy bicycling, but that he was having some trouble and was relatively new to making repairs on his own.
Andy talked to him a bit more and understood the problem was on the freewheel of his bike. (Translation for non-cyclists: the freewheel is a type of clutch fitted on the rear hub of a bike).
Andy saw an opportunity to teach someone the skills he had learned over the last several years doing his own bike maintenance and repairs.
“He had the right tools, he just didn’t know which ones to use for this job,” Andy said. “I helped him by pointing out what to use and then explaining how to properly do the repair without breaking anything.”
Andy thoroughly enjoyed talking with this customer and it’s safe to say that the customer also liked Andy.
“He invited me back to go bike riding with him, and he says he’s going to have his wife cook me a steak for lunch.”
So will Andy take him up on that offer?
“Riding with him would be great,” Andy said. Then he added, “And I’m going back for that steak!”
Andy, great job! Keep up those Good Deeds For Free!
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