Technician Gives Thirsty Landscapers Some Cold Water… Just Because.
At Service Champions, we encourage our technicians to do Good Deeds For Free whenever they see an opportunity – whether it’s for one of our clients, or for others in the community.
Our technician David took that to heart recently when he was walking back to his truck after wrapping up a service call in Fullerton.
“There were two landscapers sitting there – they told me they were waiting on another worker to come back from the store with supplies,” David said. “They looked thirsty and asked if I knew a nearby place to get a drink.”
David decided to drive to a nearby store and come back and surprise them with some bottles of cold water.
“I got them 2 big bottles of cold water each,” David said. “I told them ‘I appreciate when my clients give me water bottles, so I’m returning the favor.”
The guys appreciated the gesture and thanked David for thinking of them.
“It was just a simple thing, but I was happy to get them water on a hot day,” David said.
David, thanks for finding a way to spread the spirit of Good Deeds For Free to the community!