How To Get The Most Out Of Your Service Call
When your preferred heating and air conditioning technicians visit, they are there to service the only part of your house they know best. HVAC contractors are specially trained to handle and care for your furnace and air conditioner. The time they spend at your home is the best time for you to receive expert care and insight.
The next time your HVAC contractor comes for a service call, be better prepared and get the most out of the visit.
Ask Questions
Do you know if your central air system is an up-flow furnace or a down-flow furnace? You should. An up-flow furnace pulls air from the bottom then releases conditioned air from the top. This type of furnace is installed in the basement so that the released air can rise to the upper parts of the home. A down-flow furnace pulls air from the top and releases from the bottom. This type of furnace is kept in the attic, closet, or garage.
What type of furnace you have and where it is installed plays a large role in performance and efficiency.
If you have additional portable air conditioning units or window air conditioners placed around your home, ask your technician how to use them most effectively.
Your preferred HVAC contractor can assess the structure of your home, evaluate the model and make of your central air system and diagnosis the best method to heating and cooling for your home lifestyle.
Ask for Pictures
With all the small and large parts that make up the air conditioner and furnace, it can be difficult to understand just how it works or why it does not. Ask your technician for photos as he or she is explaining. Not only do photos make it easier to follow along, you will also begin to recognize the anatomy of your own central air system.
If and when you encounter problems with your central air conditioning, you can better communicate with your specialist, resulting in a service that narrows in on the core issue.
Have Information Prepared
Before your specialist arrives on scene, record the history of the problem your furnace or air conditioner has been exhibiting. What are the signs you have noticed? How long as it been happening? How has it affected air conditioning in the home? What have you done to remedy it? How old is your system?
Knowing these key pieces of information educates your HVAC technician for a better understanding of what might have happened and what can be done to fix the situation.
Service Champions at Your Call
Your central air system cannot be in better hands when you trust it to Service Champions. Our technicians are famous for their expert technical care and superior customer service.
As the only Diamond Certified HVAC provider in Southern California, thousands of homes and families have Service Champions in charge of their home air.
Have your central air system cared for by a Service Champions expert by calling one of our friendly representatives in the call center or booking an appointment online at your convenience.