2013 Holiday Events at Service Champions
Homes of Southern California know that they can trust Service Champions to provide the best heating and air conditioning. But this time of year, our technicians and specialists really step up to make home comfort part of every family for the holidays.
Making our name a part of our practice, technicians and staff members have extended a generous hand in keeping the traditions of the Service Champions Family alive.
Helping Families for Thanksgiving
Our Warehouse – Thanksgiving Drive
Our Warehouse – Thanksgiving Drive
Years ago, founder and owner of Service Champions Heating & Air Conditioning, Leland Smith, and a few of his technicians discovered a simple way to spread holiday cheer to families in need of a warm meal: delivering turkey dinners across Orange County.
With the resources of Service Champions, such as trucks and personnel, and a bounty of technicians wanting to contribute to the cause, in the first year, Service Champions provided 100 Thanksgiving dinners for Orange County families. Since then, the number of families Service Champions has been able to reach has only grown bigger. This year, with the combined efforts of every member, over 300 homes had a family dinner.
Service Champions team members look forward to the Thanksgiving holiday in anticipation of the annual Turkey Drive. All dinner donations are distributed to local churches that host community gatherings for families in need.
Orangewood Children’s Foundation Teams Up with Service Champions
For 30 years, Orangewood Children’s Foundation has provided support for county and state foster children, finding them homes, families and hope. Service Champions, has been able to help make the wishes of these children come true.
Deep inside the office buildings at Service Champions, you’ll find a bright Christmas tree decorated with ornaments. These ornaments contain the wish list of the boys and girls at Orangewood Children’s Foundation.
Every December, our technicians and staff members stop by the tree and pick an ornament to find the child for whom they’ll grant a wish. The requests for these children range from toys to books, electronics to board games and gift cards to school supplies.
At the end of the drive, Service Champions delivers the gifts to the Orangewood Children’s Foundation. This small gesture of fulfilling the needs of the children provides for them hope and encouragement for the New Year.
To learn more about Orangewood Children’s Foundation, visit their website: https://www.orangewoodfoundation.org/.
Champions of Service 365 Days a Year
Everyone who has experienced Service Champions knows the mark of a Service Champions technician and team member. Their generosity and respect for every individual home, neighborhood and community shows through their care in their work.
For our technicians, each day is an opportunity to exemplify excellence in community and service. They believe that the responsibility of being a successful business is being an active part of our neighborhoods and contributing to the communities they serve.