Is It Time To Replace Your Home Heating and Cooling Ductwork?
Damaged or old ductwork can cause you to lose hundreds of dollars a year because of wasted energy. If you’ve noticed that your electric bill has increased even though you aren’t using more than a normal amount of energy, your home’s heating and cooling system ductwork may be the problem.
Even though this can be an inconvenience, ductwork can be replaced or repaired. Here we will share why it’s important to have good heating and cooling ductwork and signs that it’s time to have yours replaced.
Why Good Heating and Cooling Ductwork Is Necessary
What exactly is ductwork? Ductwork is the part of your HVAC system that has a very specific function. Its purpose is to circulate and carry hot and cold air throughout your home.
When your ductwork is damaged a variety of problems can occur. These include higher-than-normal energy bills and low air pressure coming from your HVAC system. There is also a chance that your health can be at risk when your air ducts have been damaged.
This happens when there is mildew and mold present throughout your heating and cooling ductwork. Due to the toxic nature of these materials, there is a possibility that your health can be impacted by breathing them in.
When your system has good ductwork, you will instantly notice the benefits. Your HVAC unit will perform better and last longer, which will provide better circulation and air pressure in your home. It will also decrease the chances that you will get sick from mold or mildew.
Ways You Can Tell Your Ductwork Needs To Be Replaced
Ductwork replacement can provide many benefits to your home’s heating and cooling system. Read on to learn some signs that you should have your ductwork replaced.
Your HVAC System Makes Odd Sounds
Sounds coming from your heating and cooling system that don’t sound normal is a big indicator that your ductwork is damaged and needs to be replaced. Rattling or vibrating can be a sign that a joint in your ductwork is damaged. If you hear a loud noise coming from your system when the air is flowing through the ducts a hole might be present in your air ducts.
High Energy Bill
As you’ve already learned, damaged ductwork can cause your energy bill to grow higher every month. This happens when your heating and cooling system uses more energy by straining in order to cool or heat a room. Most times this happens because of a hole or leak in your ductwork.

Rooms In Your Home Are Different Temperatures
When the hot or cold air is not being circulated or pushed through the duct system properly, you will notice that some rooms in your home are hotter or cooler than others. Uneven heating and cooling throughout your home is caused by damage like holes or leaks in your ductwork.
Dust Gathering In Your Home
When your HVAC system is suffering from damaged ductwork dust will easily come into your home from outside. It will enter through holes and leaks. If dust is gathering in your home more than usual, you might have some ductwork that needs repairing.

Mold Or Mildew Smell
If you smell a strange mildew or mold scent in your air, it’s likely that it has accumulated in your air ducts. When temperatures fluctuate, condensation will form in your ductwork which causes these toxic materials to grow. Poorly insulated and connected ducts are another way that mold and mildew can produce. If breathed in, these tiny particles can make you and your family sick.
Large Amount Of Pests
Spiders, rodents, and bugs can all enter your home with ease through leaks and holes in your ductwork. When this problem is left untreated an infestation may occur which can cause more issues in your air duct system like blockages.
Built-Up Dirt & Debris On Air Vents
Dirty air is caused when there is damage to your ductwork. This will result in dust, lint, pet hair, and dirt gathering around the outside of your air vents.
Old Ductwork
If your home is past the 10-15 year mark that ductwork is designed to last, you can expect leaks and holes to form much easier in your air duct system. Replacing your ductwork will extend the lifespan of your system and prevent problems.

Steps To Fix Your Ductwork
If you want to fix the problem yourself there are a few steps to take to replace your ductwork.
The first thing you’ll need to do is inspect your ductwork and look for any signs of holes, leaks, and deterioration. Then your next steps will be to clean all areas of the duct system, seal, and insulate. This should take care of all issues with your damaged ductwork.
An inspection performed by an HVAC professional can eliminate any other problem areas you may have missed.
The HVAC technicians at Service Champions are the leading experts in home heating and cooling ductwork replacement. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment!