5 HVAC Mistakes that Drive Up Your Heating Bill

When you’re more than usual for your heating bill during the winter, it can feel like there isn’t much you can do to cut down. But don’t despair. Here are 5 HVAC mistakes you could be making with your heating system without even realizing it. A few simple changes might be all it takes to bring those energy bills down.

Forgetting to Change Your Air Filter

The air filter is an integral part of your HVAC system. It keeps dust and debris from entering the furnace, which could damage the blower, burner, and other parts. Additionally, if you don’t change the filter regularly, it can cause problems in your home and raise your energy bills.

The most obvious problem is that it will start to smell. When you’re not changing your filters regularly, they’ll become clogged with dirt, pollen, and other particles that can get into your system when you turn on the heat or air conditioning in your home. This will cause your system to work harder to keep up with any temperature demands. This means higher energy bills – but more importantly, polluted air can be unhealthy for you and your family.

Image: A Meme About Saving Money By Changing The Air Filter.
Contact your local HVAC experts if you need help changing the air filter. A technician can change it for you during a HVAC tune-up.

The Thermostat is in the Wrong Place

The thermostat is one of the most important parts of your home’s HVAC system. To keep your home at the right temperature, you need to know where to place your thermostat:

  • Avoid doors or windows. When you place your thermostat near a door or window, the temperature around it will be colder than the rest of your home. Also, the temperature can fluctuate significantly if this area is drafty or gets lots of sunlight. This could make it difficult for your thermostat to accurately detect what temperature it should be set.
  • Not in an empty hallway. You may think that placing your thermostat by itself will help it get accurate readings from all areas of your home — but that’s not always true! Empty rooms will have different temperatures than those occupied all the time. Place your thermostat in a space that’s used frequently.
  • Not in the kitchen. If your thermostat is in the kitchen, it may not give accurate readings. Kitchens are hot places and not ideal for tracking temperature.

Forgetting Tune-Ups

The cost of heating your home can be a significant part of your monthly budget. That’s why it’s essential to ensure you get the most out of your heating system and keep it running at peak efficiency.

Image: A Man Is Staring At His Air Vents Wondering Why They Aren'T On And Why His Heating Bill Is So High.
A HVAC tune-up is the best way to help reduce energy bills. During a tune-up, a trained technician will inspect and clean your system. They will also check the air filters and replace them if necessary. This helps to keep dust and dirt from clogging up your system and causing it to break down early.

Image: Hvac Tools Used For Tune-Ups.
The technician will also check your home’s connections, ensuring everything is connected correctly and working properly. If there are any problems with connections, they can be fixed at this time so that they don’t cause problems later on with your heating system.

Closing Registers and Vents

Most homeowners are familiar with the importance of keeping their home’s vents and registers open in the summer. This is because closing them can cause an increase in energy use, as air conditioners must work harder to cool a home that doesn’t have proper airflow.

In the winter, however, homeowners often close their vent registers and register covers for added insulation and protection from cold drafts. While this may seem a good idea at first glance, it can negatively affect your furnace and HVAC system.

Closing vents during the winter restricts airflow, which means that your furnace has to work harder to heat your home.

Image: A Person Adjusting Their Vent.
Closing registers in winter can also cause moisture buildup in your walls and floors, leading to mold growth. This can also cause structural damage if the moisture gets behind the drywall or flooring.

Adjusting the Thermostat Too Much

Do you ever find yourself cranking up your thermostat in an attempt to heat up your home faster? You’re not alone. It’s a common action among homeowners.

But does it work? Is it possible to heat a room faster by turning up your thermostat?

The answer is no – turning up your thermostat will not make the room heat any quicker. Instead, keeping your thermostat at a regular temperature is more likely to keep your home warm and cozy.

Image: Tiger King Meme About Thermostat Changes And Heating Bills.
Constantly cranking up the thermostat only makes your heating system work harder, meaning more wear and tear and possible repair bills in the future.

Book a HVAC tune-up with the Service Champions experts and help keep your energy bills low this season.