Technicians Give Neighbors Push They Need
Service Champions technician Josh & Uly arrived at their scheduled job a little early. It was 8:45am in a Mission Viejo neighborhood and they were waiting in front of a gate for a customer to let them in.
As they were standing there, they noticed a couple come out of the apartment across the street. The woman hopped in the driver seat of the tan 80’s Buick and the man planted himself behind and got ready to push.
Josh and Uly could see that the driveway he was pushing it toward was going to be steep. Definitely a tough job for one guy!
“Josh and I looked at each other,” Uly said. “We both said ‘let’s go help him.’”
The man was very appreciative of the help. He went on to explain that he thought the battery was dead and they needed to get the car off the road because the street sweeper was coming later that morning.
With the three of them pushing, they were able to get it up the steep driveway without too much trouble.
“It saved them a lot of time, because him pushing by himself would have been hard,” Uly said. “They were really appreciative that we helped them.”
Josh and Uly, instead of standing around waiting for your appointment to begin, you used that time to spread ‘Good Deeds For Free’ to a couple of strangers. That’s awesome!
Good Deeds In The Community
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