What is the Best Type of Toilet Paper?

We all use the toilet regularly, but there remains a lot of confusion as what is the best type of toilet paper to use. While many people make do with whatever paper product their family has used for generations, this may not be the best choice for everyone.

We’ve put together some advice to help you choose the best type of toilet paper for your plumbing system.

Why toilet paper matters (the wrong type can clog your pipes)

Toilet paper is one of those things that everyone takes for granted. We buy it, use it, and flush it away without giving much thought to the process. But if you’ve ever had a clogged toilet, you know how important it is to choose your toilet paper wisely.

Image: Many Rolls Of Toilet Paper Against A Blue Background.
Look for products that don’t contain lotions or moisturizers. These ingredients can leave residue and build up in the pipes over time, causing clogs.

The Main Factors to Consider

When choosing toilet paper, consider these four factors.

How Fast it Dissolves

Toilet paper dissolves pretty quickly when it goes down the drain. However, fast-dissolving toilet paper is even better at breaking down quickly and easily without clogging pipes or causing other problems. It dissolves faster in water, so it won’t leave any residue in your pipes or septic tank. This means less time cleaning out your pipes, saving water bills and maintenance costs down the road.

Image: Cat Meme About Clogged Toilet.


Chlorine can upset the balance of bacteria in your septic tank, affecting the rate at which your waste breaks down. However, chlorine-free toilet paper is easier on your plumbing system because it doesn’t contain chemicals that can damage pipes and septic systems.


Ply is the number of sheets in a roll. The higher the ply, the thicker the toilet paper.

Image: A Tweet About The Great Toilet Paper Shortage Of 2020.
Softness is determined by how many plies are used. Single-ply toilet paper is generally considered to be softest, then two-ply and three-ply. Four-ply or more is considered extra strong, meaning it’s less likely to tear when you use it.


Eco-friendly toilet paper is made from recycled materials and natural fibers like bamboo or cotton. It’s biodegradable and doesn’t have any chemicals or dyes in it. Therefore, it’s better for the environment and healthier for you.

Why Ply Matters

If you’re using 2-ply or 3-ply toilet paper, you could be putting more stress on your plumbing system than necessary. However, using one ply rather than two or three means less bulk when it comes time for flushing; this means less strain on your pipes and plumbing lines overall.

Toilet Paper That Can Hurt Your Plumbing System

Stay clear of flushing these items down your toilet, or you could end up with an expensive plumbing maintenance bill.

Flushable Wipes

When you flush a wipe, it breaks into pieces that can get stuck on the sides of your toilet and inside the pipes. This can cause clogs and other issues with your plumbing system.

Toilet paper is designed to break down quickly when flushed, but flushable wipes are not. So even if they claim to be biodegradable or compostable, they can still stick around for months or years in your pipes.

Extra Soft

You shouldn’t flush extra soft toilet paper because it takes longer to break down in the sewage system. This means that instead of breaking into smaller pieces, it will remain intact as it travels through your pipes and into your septic tank or sewer system. This can cause serious problems for your plumbing system.

Image: A Child Playing With A Toilet Paper Roll.

3 or 4-Ply Toilet Paper

Thinner toilet paper dissolves more quickly and easily than thicker ones because they don’t take as long to break down when exposed to water. Unfortunately, this means that if you use 3 or 4-ply toilet paper, it will stay in your pipes much longer than 2-ply, which could lead to clogs over time.

Image: A Gloved Hand With A Plunger.

The Best Type of Toilet Paper to Use

When it comes to the best toilet paper, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. The first one is the ply. The more plies (layers) you have, the softer your toilet paper will be. This is great if you want something that feels like a cloud on your bum but not so much if you’re going to avoid clogged pipes.

The last thing you should look out for when buying toilet paper is recycled content. This means that some of the materials used to make your toilet paper were recycled from other sources, such as old newspapers or cardboard boxes. This can help save resources and reduce waste from landfills.

There are plenty of toilet paper brands to choose from. So keep trying until you find one you like the best.

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